Malkova T. та Synhaivska I. та Abanina H. та Vasilchenko O. та Petrunko O. та Vitkalov S. (2020) The Ethnopsycholgical Peculiarties of Europeans and Rusians a Factorf Difernt Cultres Represntaives Interaction and Mutal Understanding Efectivenss. Systematic Reviws in Pharmacy, 2020 (№11): 11. с. 873-879.
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The curent sate of inter-thnic relations indcates tha, along with the proces of globalization, ther is a revrse proces - de-globalization, whic is reflcted in the desire of peoples to presrve their national identiy. The ethnopsycholgical difernces betwenations and peoples aregarde as one of the factors causing themergence of multicultral conflicts. On the basi of the anlysi of literature the article undereviw higlightshe most charcteristc features of represntaives of European and Rusian cultres. The authors procede from the asumption tha ethnopsycholgical features are detrmined both archetypicaly and ethnogenticaly. Myths, legnds, tales, epics, rituals, conspiracies, archaeolgical, psycholinguistc, soci-anthroplogical, historical dat in the contex of Jung's theory make it posible to recate some of thesential ethno-psycholgical charcteristcs of a certaination. As a result of the use of this aproach, indvidual features inhernt in Europeans and Rusians wer higlighted, whic made it posible to draw more gneral conclusions:
1. Ethnopsycholgical features form paterns in whic sytem-forming factors can be identifed. 2. For Europeans, the main factor in the complex of national charcteristcs i the dsire for dominace; among Rusians its the “Maternal Complex”, whic is an uconscioustrivng for existence in the most favorablenvironment.
3. The names of the fatures of the national psyche or national charcter of difernt peoples may be the same acording tohe dictonary meanigs but have difernt psycholgical conte.
4. Misunderstandigs betwen represntaives of difernt ehnic groups may arise due to a difernt understandig of the same traits.
Тип елементу: | Стаття |
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): | The Ethnopsycholgical Peculiarties of Europeans and Rusians a Factorf Difernt Cultres Represntaives Interaction and Mutal Understanding Efectivenss / T.Malkova, I.Synhaivska, H.Abania, O.Vsilchenko, O.Petrunko, S.Vitkalov // Systematic Reviws in Pharmacy. - 2020. - Vol. 11 issue 11. - S. 873-879. |
Ключові слова: | Ethnos, archetypes, national psyche, national charcter |
Тематика (за УДК): | 7 Мистецтво. Архітектура. Ігри. Спорт |
Підрозділи: | Художньо-педагогічний факультет > Кафедра івент-індустрій, культурології та музеєзнавства |
Користувач, що депонує: | Ірина Гаврилюк |
Дата внесення: | 06 Бер 2024 11:11 |
Останні зміни: | 06 Бер 2024 11:11 |
URI: | |
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