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Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Deineha O. та Palamarchuk O. (2021) TRENDS OF MARKETING INNOVATIONS IN THE MARKET OF CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS. ASEJ, 2021 (№ 3): Vol. 25. с. 5-11. ISSN 2543-411X

Trends of Marketing Innovations in the Market.pdf

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Modern construction companies when planning their own activities must take into account the current needs of consumers, which allows them to form a competitive offer in the market. The results of the study of the local construction market showed such priority needs of consumers when choosing housing as comfort, safety, energy efficiency, architecture, «yard without cars». It is established that any innovations in the field of construction have significantly positive сonsequences. Buyers have significantly expanded the range of choices not only by price or location of housing, but also by the number of bonuses provided by developers. In addition to the types of innovations and their application, which were identified during the evaluation of the development of construction companies at the local level, the condition of construction projects of each city developer was assessed. According to the results of the study, three groups of enterprises were identified by the intensity of the use of innovations in their activities: innovators, moderate innovators, outsiders.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): Deineha O. Trends of Marketing Innovations in the Market of Construction Products / O. Deineha, O. Palamarchuk // ASEJ/ - 2021. - Vol. 25. - № 3. - P. 5-11.
Ключові слова: competition, innovation, market research, consumer needs, effective demand, market share
Тематика (за УДК): 3 Суспільні науки > 33 Економіка. Економічна наука
Підрозділи: Факультет документальних комунікацій, менеджменту, технологій та фізики > Кафедра економіки та управління бізнесом
Факультет документальних комунікацій, менеджменту, технологій та фізики > Кафедра документальних комунікацій та менеджменту
Користувач, що депонує: Галина Тарасюк
Дата внесення: 07 Жов 2024 11:05
Останні зміни: 07 Жов 2024 11:05
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/14533

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