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Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Mykolaiets I. та Piontkovskyi V. та Kokoshko M. та Babyak O. та Vivsyannyk O. (2023) MODERN STATE POLICY IN THE HEALTHCARE SECTOR. Lex Humana, 2023 (№2): V. 15. с. 59-73. ISSN 2175-0947

Modern State Policy In The Healthcare Sektor.pdf

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The formation and control of the healthcare market is a priority for the public sector, which can improve the quality of implementation of the state's domestic policy in this segment. The use of high-quality tools for implementing state policy in the healthcare sector can improve the current state of social protection and stabilize the existing situation in the country. The article aims to analyze effective measures, programs, and instruments for the formation and development of state policy in the field of healthcare, considering the experience of developed countries and Ukrainian realities. Using an effective methodology for the development of public health policy is important because it helps to improve the standard of living of the population. Moreover, it strengthens the country's economy, given the development of the corporate sector, commodity markets, and the development of international cooperation in healthcare and technology exchange. The results of the study may be useful for optimizing the current state policy in the field of health care. Besides, they can be rationally used in the public sector of available political and administrative resources. The article analyzes the state of the healthcare sector and proposes effective actions for further development of the state policy in this segment.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): Modern state policy in the yealthcare sector / I.Mykolaiets, V.Piontkovskyi, M.Kokoshko and others // Lex Humana. - 2023. - V. 15. - n.2. - P.59-73.
Ключові слова: Healthcare. Public administration. Medical services. Pharmaceutical market. Social services. State policy
Тематика (за УДК): 3 Суспільні науки > 32 Політика
6 Прикладні науки. Медицина. Техніка. Сільське господарство > 61 Медичні науки
Підрозділи: Психолого-природничий факультет > Кафедра біології та здоров`я людини та фізичної терапії
Користувач, що депонує: Ірина Гаврилюк
Дата внесення: 07 Бер 2025 11:36
Останні зміни: 07 Бер 2025 11:36
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/17320

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