Інституційний репозитарій
Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Smychok L.Z. та Gutyj B.V. та Sachuk R.M. та Khalak V.I. та Ilchyshyn M.M. та Vus U.M. та Stadnytska O.I. та Todoriuk V.B. та Martyshuk T.V. та Sobolta A.G. та Vvysotskyi A.O. та Magrelo V.R. (2023) SYSTEM OF ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION OF YOUNG CATTLE UNDER CADMIUM LOAD. Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, 2023: Vol.25(99). с. 182-189.

2023 System of antioxidant protection of young cattle under cadmium load.pdf

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It is known that free radical oxidation of lipids is an essential stage in the influence of heavy metals on the animal body. That is why the work aimed to investigate the indicators of the antioxidant system in young cattle under conditions of cadmium loading. For research, 15 clinically healthy sixmonth-old bulls of the black and spotted breed were selected, from which 3 groups of five animals were formed. The animals in the control group were on a regular diet. The animals of the experimental groups with compound feed were fed cadmium chloride in doses of 0.03 and 0.05 mg/kg of body weight. Feeding young cattle with cadmium chloride feed caused a decrease in the activity of the enzyme system of antioxidant protection of their body. These changes are confirmed by a decrease in their blood activity of superoxide dismutase by 31 %, catalase by 13.4 %, glutathione peroxidase by 23.2 %, glutathione reductase by 22.2 %, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase by 32.4 %, respectively. A decrease in the level of indicators of the non-enzymatic link of the system of antioxidant protection of the body of young cattle under cadmium load was also established, where, accordingly, a decrease in the content of reduced glutathione was established – by 10.4 %, selenium – by 14.8 %, vitamin A – by 31.3%, of vitamin E – by 30.8% in their blood compared to the control. It is worth noting that on the sixteenth and twenty-fourth days of the experiment, the lowest value of the enzymatic and non-enzymatic links of the antioxidant protection systems of young cattle under conditions of cadmium loading was observed. In the future, a practical scheme for preventing cadmium toxicosis in young cattle by studying indicators of the antioxidant system is planned.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): System of antioxidant protection of young cattle under cadmium load / L. Z. Smychok, B. V. Gutyj, R. M. Sachuk and others // Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Agricultural sciences. - 2023. - Vol. 25(99). - P. 182-189. DOI: 10.32718/nvlvet‐a9930
Ключові слова: bulls, antioxidant system, cadmium, load, vitamins, selenium
Тематика (за УДК): 5 Математика. Природничі науки > 54 Хімія. Кристалографія. Мінералогія > 546 Неорганічна хімія
6 Прикладні науки. Медицина. Техніка. Сільське господарство > 61 Медичні науки > 615 Фармакологія. Терапія. Токсикологія
6 Прикладні науки. Медицина. Техніка. Сільське господарство > 61 Медичні науки > 619 Ветеринарна медицина
6 Прикладні науки. Медицина. Техніка. Сільське господарство > 63 Сільське господарство. Лісове господарство. Мисливство. Рибне господарство > 636 Загальні питання тваринництва. Розведення тварин і птахів. Скотарство. Домашні тварини та їх розведення > 636.2 Велика рогата худоба
Підрозділи: Психолого-природничий факультет > Кафедра природничих наук
Користувач, що депонує: Богдана Печончик
Дата внесення: 21 Січ 2025 13:05
Останні зміни: 22 Січ 2025 10:31
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/16309

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