Інституційний репозитарій
Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Aksimentyeva O.I. та Horbenko Yu.Yu. та Olenych I.B. та Martyniuk G.V. (2022) NANOFABRICATION OF HYBRID COMPOSITES WITH DIELECTRIC AND SEMICONDUCTOR MATRICES. In: Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring. Lidiya M. Boichyshyn, Oleksandr. V. Reshetnyak ed. Nova Printing Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, с. 1-29.

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Мартинюк Г.В. Монографія2022.pdf

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The processes of nanofabrication, structure, and properties of hybrid nanocomposites based on dielectric polymer (polymethylmethacrylate, polyvinyl alcohol, polystyrene, etc.) or semiconductor matrices (porous silicon, gallium, or indium selenide, titanium dioxide) with conducting polymers of different nature were studied. The conducting polymer forms its own polymer network inside the host dielectric polymer or semiconductor matrix. It is shown that the concentration dependence of the specific conductivity of composites has a percolation character with a low “percolation threshold” in the range of 1,7‒2,5 vol.%. According to EPR-spectroscopy, a dielectric polymer matrix causes significant delocalization of the charge along the macrochains. Semiconductor nanocrystals embedded in the polymer matrix and conducting polymers integrated with porous semiconductor mediums significantly affect the electrical, electrooptical, and luminescent properties of composites causing the shift of spectrum and change of its intensity. The connection between the conditions of synthesis, structure, and properties of materials can cause the expanding functionality of conducting polymer composites for their application in organic electronic devices – gas sensors, organic displays, solar cells, etc.

Тип елементу: Розділ Книги
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): Nanofabrication of Hybrid Composites with Dielectric and Semiconductor Matrices / O. I. Aksimentyeva, Yu. Yu. Horbenko, I. B. Olenych etc. // Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring / L. M. Boichyshyn, O. V. Reshetnyak. - Mississauga, Ontario : Nova Printing Inc., 2022. - V. I. - Pp. 1-29.
Ключові слова: Polymerization, conducting polymer, dielectric matrix, structure, percolation, porous silicon, luminescence, gas sensors.
Тематика (за УДК): 5 Математика. Природничі науки > 54 Хімія. Кристалографія. Мінералогія > 544 Фізична хімія
Підрозділи: Психолого-природничий факультет > Кафедра природничих наук
Користувач, що депонує: С. І. Оніщук
Дата внесення: 26 Лют 2025 10:19
Останні зміни: 27 Лют 2025 10:43
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/17086

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