Babiy S. and Bezkorovaina O. and Matviienko O. and Petko S. and Ternopilska V. and Soichuk R. and Stanislavchuk N. (2019) ENTREPRENEURSHIP MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ACTUARIES IN CANADA. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2019 (3): Vol. 22. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1098-8394

O.Bezkorovaina ,N. Stanislavchuk 2019 , USA Scopus.pdf

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The features of the professional activities of actuaries, in particular in Canada were determined; the basic models and directions of professional training in the actuarial profile were clarified; national and international standards governing the training of actuaries in Canada and the world were analyzed. The features of dual education within the framework of university training were characterized and the role of accredited HEIs in the system of professional training of these specialists were outlined. The specifics of the acquisition of full and associate membership in the CIA on the basis of the leading North American professional associations – Society of Actuaries (SOA) and Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) were presented. The content and organizational and pedagogical aspects of the acquisition of the qualification of a certified actuary of entrepreneurial risks in Canada were characterized.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Entrepreneurship model of professional development of actuaries in canada / S.Babiy, O.Bezkorovaina, O.Маtviienko, S.Petko, V.Ternopilska, R.Soichk, N.Stanislavchuk // Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. - 2019. - Vol. 22 (3). - P. 1-6
Uncontrolled Keywords: Actuaries, Formal and Non-Formal Education, Development, Workshop, Professional Associations, Model
Subjects: 3 Суспільні науки > 37 Освіта. Виховання. Навчання. Дозвілля > 377 Спеціалізоване навчання. Професійно-технічне навчання. Професійні коледжі. Політехнічна освіта
Divisions: Філологічний факультет > Кафедра українсткої та зарубіжної літератури
Depositing User: Адміністратор
Date Deposited: 05 May 2020 20:50
Last Modified: 17 Aug 2023 07:30
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/176

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