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Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Shevchuk K.S. (2019) THE CONCEPT OF "CONTEMPORARY ART" AND "AESTHETIC SITUATION" IN POLISH AESTHETICS. Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка, 2019 (85): Вип. 1. с. 95-102. ISSN 2707-4463

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The interpretation of the term "contemporary art" is of concern today by theorists. The semantic definition of the ambiguous concepts, which also includes the concept of "art", has always been quite complex, there are now more than a dozen variants of its interpretation. Therefore, when analyzing contemporary art as such, it is important not only to clarify the essence of the concept, but also to outline its important aspects that will be the focus of our attention in this study.
It also makes sense of the relation in contemporary art to tradition such as possible reference to academism, etc. In addition, the phenomenon of art synthesis as one of the characteristic features of modern symbolization practice and creation of artistic images is analyzed. The transformation of the basic elements of "aesthetic situation" phenomenon by the Polish esthetician R. Ingarden is made in modern terms.
The author analyzes the main approaches by Polish aesthetics to the nderstanding of the essence of "contemporary art" concept which has been historically developed. At the same time, we pay attention to the main features of the latest artistic practices, possible incentives for contemporary artistic creativity. In particular, we characterize the content and specificity of "novelty in art" concept, "original creativity", which are often correlated with the concept of contemporary art.
Views on the specifics of contemporary art in general and criteria for evaluating individual artistic innovations as socio-cultural or aesthetic phenomena are considered (M. Gołaszewska, A. Książek, J. Margolis, S. Morawski and others). It stated that the criteria, principles of art analysis and the latest artistic processes specified by the researchers allow modern aesthetics to carry out an adequate assessment of their importance for the positive development of modern society.
The significance of sociocultural changes in modern society, its symbolic production and exchange for the formation of social incentives to the latest artistic creativity and practice are revealed.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): Shevchuk K.S. The conxept of "Contemporary art" and "Aesthetic situation" in polish aesthetics / K.S.K. S. Shevchuk // Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка. Філософські науки. 2019. - Вип. 1(85). - С. 95-102.
Ключові слова: Aesthetic Experience, Artistic Practices, Symbolic Production and Exchange, Concept of "Novelty in Art", Concept of "Original Creativity", Cultural Heritage, Aesthetic Anthropology
Тематика (за УДК): 1 Філософія. Психологія > 13 Філософія розуму та духу. Метафізика духовного життя
1 Філософія. Психологія > 17 Філософія моралі. Етика. Практична філософія
7 Мистецтво. Архітектура. Ігри. Спорт
Підрозділи: Факультет історії, політології та міжнародних відносин > Кафедра філософії
Користувач, що депонує: Ірина Гаврилюк
Дата внесення: 31 Жов 2024 11:40
Останні зміни: 31 Жов 2024 11:40
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/14763

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