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Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Orlova L. та Vlasenko N. та Gapon S. та Zhuk M. та Dyachenko-Bohun M. та Hrytsai N. та Grygus I. (2022) POACEAE AND FABACEAEOF MEADOWS OF POLTAVA REGION AND THEIR PROTEIN VALUE. Ecological Questions, 2022 (Vol.33): №1. с. 39-45.

Poaceae and Fabaceaeof meadows of Poltava region.pdf

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The main representatives of meadow Poaceaeand Fabaceae of Poltava region are established and their ecomorphic analysis is made. 93 species of meadow Poaceae have been found in meadow phytocenoses, which are grouped into 44 genera. Among the found cereals on biomorphs are dominated by perennials (73.0%), on climamorphs among them approximately the same number of cryptophytes and hemicryptophytes, consideration of hygromorphs of the family indicates the predominance of mesophytic plants (56.0%), the bulk of species by tropomorphs belongs to mesotrophic (46.0%), viewing heliomorphs of identified family members indicates their photophobia.
71 species of Fabaceaebelonging to 16 genera were found in the meadows. According to biomorphs, most of the identified species are perennials (73.0%). According to ecomorphs, mesophilic, light-loving species, which love soils of medium richness (more than half of all identified species), predominate among the studied species.
The consequences of studying the protein in meadow Poaceae and Fabaceaeof Poltava region are given. The total protein accumulation in the species studied by us was in the range of 2.5–25.8%. The average values for families are given and specific quantitative indicators of separate genera and species are given.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): Poaceae and Fabaceaeof meadows of Poltava region and their protein value / L. Orlova, N. Vlasenko, S. Gapon et al. // Ecological Questions. - 2022. - Vol. 33, № 1. - P. 39-45.
Ключові слова: Meadow phytocenoses, biodiversity, ecomorphic analysis, phenological phases, protein content, Forest-Steppe zone, Left-Bank Ukraine
Тематика (за УДК): 5 Математика. Природничі науки > 57 Біологічні науки в цілому
Підрозділи: Психолого-природничий факультет > Кафедра природничих наук
Користувач, що депонує: О. В. Іванчук
Дата внесення: 09 Лист 2024 17:26
Останні зміни: 09 Лист 2024 17:26
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/14877

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