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Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Bogush A. та Naida R. та Malinovska N. та Durmanenko Y. та Bubin A. (2024) THE IMPACT DUAL EDUCATION SYSTEM ON PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE PRESCHOOL TEACHERS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Revista EDaPECI, 2024 (№1): Vol. 24. с. 172-184. ISSN 2176-171X

The impact of a dual education system on the professional tra_Alla Bogush, Ruslana Naida, Nataliia Malinovska_2024.pdf

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The aim of the arƟ cle is to determine the specifi cs of the impact of dual educaƟ on on the future preschool teachers’ professional competence. The study employed such methods as tesƟ ng, observaƟ on, and formaƟ ve experiment. It was established that future preschool teachers are characterized by low moƟ vaƟ on for professional acƟ vity, medium level of theoreƟ cal knowledge and professional skills, insuffi ciently developed pedagogical refl ecƟ on. The hypothesis about the diff erence between the infl uence of dual and insƟ tuƟ onal educaƟ on on the future preschool teachers’ professional competence was parƟ ally confi rmed. Dual educaƟ on demonstrated the best eff ecƟ veness in developing the acƟ ve and refl ecƟ ve components in future preschool teachers. They are slightly beƩ er in the development of indicators of the cogniƟ ve component, the results belong to the insƟ tuƟ onal form of higher educaƟ on. The dual educaƟ on programme is ineff ecƟ ve in developing the moƟ vaƟ onal component of the future preschool teachers’ professional competence. The obtained results open up opportuniƟ es to improve dual educaƟ on programmes for the training of future preschool teachers: focus on the development of future preschool teachers’ professional moƟ vaƟ on, improving theoreƟ cal knowledge in a preschool educaƟ on insƟ tuƟ on. The results also indicate the need to enhance the development of moƟ vaƟ on and professional refl ecƟ on of future specialists in the insƟ tuƟ onal form of higher educaƟ on. The prospects for further research are the study of the possibiliƟ es of using dual educaƟ on in the training of students of other pedagogical majors.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): The impact of a dual educatin system on the professional training of future preschool teachers in higher education instituions / A.Bogush, R.Naida, N.Malinovska, Y.Durmanenko, A.Bubin // Revista EDaPECI. - 2024. - №1. - Vol. 24. - P. 172-184.
Ключові слова: dual educaƟ on. Professional educaƟ on. Professional training
Тематика (за УДК): 3 Суспільні науки > 37 Освіта. Виховання. Навчання. Дозвілля > 37.0 Основні види та принципи освіти
Підрозділи: Педагогічний факультет > Кафедра дошкільної педагогіки і психології та спеціальної освіти імені Тамари Поніманської
Користувач, що депонує: Ірина Гаврилюк
Дата внесення: 28 Груд 2024 11:06
Останні зміни: 28 Груд 2024 11:06
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/15685

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