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Рівненського державного гуманітарного університету


Medynska N.N. та Sovtys N.M. та Halatiuk M.Yu. та Symonovych N.V. та Shuryn O.I. (2020) THE ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVE DISTANCE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION INTO THE SYSTEM OF GENERAL PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS. International Journal of Higher Education, 2020 (Vol. 9): №4. с. 339-347. ISSN 1927-6044, 1927-6052

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The purpose of the study was to justify and check experimentally the efficiency in the application of distance learning technologies to ensure future teachers’ readiness to pedagogical work in the process of general professional training. The quasi-experimental research was conducted while delivering the disciplines of “Pedagogics” and “Psychology” included in the cycle of general professional training. The levels of motivational, activity-oriented, and cognitive components of future teachers’ readiness to pedagogical work were measured using the determination methodology for the factors of the profession’s attractiveness developed by Yadov, the questionnaire entitled “The identifier of problematic dominant level in the process of addressing pedagogical tasks”, and the results of the final tests. To analyse the results obtained and to study objectively dynamics of changes in activity orientated, cognitive, and motivational elements, the research has used methods of mathematical data processing and a STATISTICA software for statistical analysis. The research found the efficiency of distance courses implementation with active teaching methods on the development of all components of future teachers’ readiness to pedagogical work. The author concluded that in the context of the general professional training of teachers and adaptation to the peculiarities of distance learning, the most efficient methods are the following: case-study, a problem-oriented lecture, a method of projects, portfolio, and discussion. In the view of the author, distance educational technologies, means of virtual visualisation and interactive content help broaden the didactical potential of active methods of pedagogical interaction and diversify delivery of the training material.

Тип елементу: Стаття
Додаткова інформація (бібліографічний опис): The Analysis of Alternative Distance Learning Implementation into the System of General Professional Training of Teachers / N.N. Medynska, N.M. Sovtys, M.Yu. Halatiuk etc. // International Journal of Higher Education. - 2020. - Vol. 9, № 4. - P. 339-347.
Ключові слова: distance learning, distance courses, active training methods, future teachers, professional training
Тематика (за УДК): 8 Мова. Мовознавство. Художня література. Літературознавство > 81 Лінгвістика. Мовознавство. Мови
Підрозділи: Філологічний факультет > Кафедра української мови
Користувач, що депонує: О. В. Іванчук
Дата внесення: 30 Січ 2025 07:47
Останні зміни: 30 Січ 2025 07:47
URI: http://repository.rshu.edu.ua/id/eprint/16521

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